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I liked the unique art and techno style music. I felt like I was playing an arcade game. It was cool, thanks


I love the concept, I think it would make a really cool full length game. 


i really really love this game but i wish that it was waaaay longer and had a less sad ending or maybe an alternate ending where little borrus doesn't die

ps make a version for chrome please


Very Good! :D Thanks for adding a Linux version - it ran perfectly!


I don't how people can imagine this stuff. Nice job.

(2 edits) (+4)

99/100 will play again(it's not 100/100 because of the ending) I finished the game and the ending is just "WHYYYY!!!!!" 


Great game idea I swear dude


this game is perfect 


Found this on Twitter, I was genuinely so impressed that I had to make an account. Very very freaky, absolutely loved it!


Man this is some good sh*t. I love the artstyle and story. Very cool.


I've never felt so many different emotions at once before lol Great work and really interesting game! This was the final game in the video! 


Awesome game! I love the art and the controls are intuitive and simple.


Interesting Consept


The game was very good, but it left me hungry for more.
Like that was it?


Wow that was amazing!! I desperately hope there will be more. I've never hoped a game was just a demo, because like I need more of this.


This was extremely well done. I do hope you have plans for progression.There have been a few games that have grabbed my attention and this is one of them. I literally made an account just to let you know how amazing this game is.


You need to do what the hollow knight devs did and make this a full fledged game, like a fish evolution game with the orange squid thing!


It's a sad thing


So true


The graphics are beautiful and I love it!


This game is soooo goooood. An absolute gem. Please, i need moarrrrr!!


I love the style of the monsters, great short game :D


I Really hope to see a sequal to this !!!! If anybody is still debating on playing this stop and give a try now. you wont be the same after playing


You mean Sea-quel

Deleted post

btw, this runs in Linux under Wine without issue. It would be safe to add the Linux tag to it.


Thanks for the heads up! I made a Linux build too, but just in case there is any problem I left a note to let people know the Windows version works under Wine!






Do you swallow the sea... or does the sea swallow you?


Very well done! Absolutely loved it! I loved the concept and the art style of the game. Very original as well! I’ve personally never played something like this before. But my god that ending... I still get very sad every time I think about it. Absolutely well done!

This was very interesting.


What an unexpected game!!! I simply loved it! This is very original work. Keep making awesome stuff!!!


This game is absolutely amazing.

To anyone reading this, rate this game, it only takes three clicks! It's the least you can do to encourage the developer into making more of that delicious stuff.


Brilliant work but you already know I feel this way!

(2 edits) (+5)

Creepy, but I loved it! Great work!
Hope to see more. That ending tho :-O

(1 edit) (+6)

Gotta get mark to play this


Very good and also rather horrifying on several levels. I loved the look, the sounds and the general theme. 


Came from a YouTube showcase, made an account just to buy this, and ended up playing this game several times by now—it’s a really, really fantastic little game!  It holds a lot of charm and succeeds in being creepy and unsettling in all the right ways, without ever overdoing it or crossing into the realm of silly.  The simple controls really complement the theme of struggling at the bottom of the food-chain (before gradually rising up, that is).  I’m finding myself very enamored with the art style, too—it succeeds in feeling totally unique despite the massive number of indie games that also opt for pixel styles.  The sound design, too—there is nothing about this I actively dislike.  It’s very obvious a lot of love was put into this by everyone on the team.

Really looking forward to seeing more projects from both of you.  Hope you’ll consider making a full-length game or sequel to this; I’d love to play more of this and am insatiably curious what the Borrus would grow into!  Definitely going to keep my eyes peeled for future works from you.  Creepiness is definitely your forté.


Thank you for your kind words! We are so happy to see people enjoying it so much. You can totally expect from us way more strange stuff in the future!


Love, love, LOVE it. I really hope there will be a second!

(1 edit) (+4)

Is the game finished and needs no more updates? Also, are you gonna expand on the concept in the future? The whole idea and universe seem fascinating!

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey! Thanks for playing the game!

We planned it to be a short but enjoyable experience so we consider it finished!
We are also already working on the next project so you can expect more strange stuff in the future!

(1 edit) (+2)

Will it be set in the same universe? I mean, I'm not demanding anything, but that would be great if you had that in mind for the future projects...




Haha! That was great. Awesome progression. So happy you pulled it off! (My kids were fascinated, confused, and scared while I played it, so I'd say you managed to achieve what you were going for!)

(1 edit) (+4)

We had a blast!  Great tension, inventive and fresh looking art.  When it ended, we were sad because we wanted more!  :) Good luck on future development efforts...

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