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I had too much fun with this game. 10/10
(1 edit) (+1)

For me, Perfect Vermin is a game design gift that was given to me and that I enjoyed with pleasure.

A well-built level design with a well-used game mechanic. A dark and uncomfortable atmosphere that made me hate the vermin I killed to the last.

Well done to the team.


Absolutely loved the game and it's pixel art. I didn't expect it to go deeper than smashing stuff honestly.

Btw, is there any way to beat the last level? Does anything happen if you beat it?


Really atmospheric game. 


Just uploaded this to my channel.. this game is so much fun! I was confused at first but figured it out fairly quick. The gameplay itself is really smooth and fun and I even love the cutscenes. I highly recommend trying it out! 

Here is my video if you're interested in watching!


getting crashes really early on, before any cutscene or anything, usually just after smashing something. On a HP Spectre x360 14, which has a modern intel processor, so that shouldn't be causing it.


Just loving this game! Here's the full playthrough of this game!


wow. This game is awesome and that ending twist was the icing on the cake!


Uhm, I've encountered a strange bug! I've seen a video on the first level, and when I tried to play the game, the cutscene of the news anchor telling you to go back to the elevator starts just as I enter the first room! Has anyone encountered this bug too? I'm really interested in this game, so please let me know!


I have encountered this on my first playthrough too

me too

have you found a fix for this bug, or anything else?

I had this happen to me too, but going back to the main menu and hitting play again fixed it for me.


This issue is caused by the device you are using being below the Unreal Engine 4's minimum system requirements. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do.


The impact of using gods weapon himself the sledgehammer is absolutely satisfying. Game is great and sound design is flawless overall. Great job

Are there multiple endings, or just one?



I'm trying to play this game, but it keeps quitting itself after approximately two minutes of play time. I've tried downloading the pure ZIPs and extracting them, and I've also tried downloading and playing through the Itch desktop app, but it happens constantly. My computer should be new enough to play it, but it doesn't seem to want to go. :(

(3 edits) (+1)

Got the same problem.

Messed with the timer a little bit: the game quits after 1 minute. It doesn't matter if I am only in the main menu or in the game.

UPDATE: Adding folder/binary to the antivirus exception list didn't help. I use Windows Defender (Windows 11) if it helps.

UPDATE2: Just run exe through MSVS debugger. And got this: "Exception thrown at 0x00007FF74D960E63 in PerfectVermin-Win64-Shipping.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF." That's definitely some strange location to read from. Hope that helps too.


i got the exact same problem! if you ever get a resolution id be so happy to hear it too apftp


Same issue here cannot complete the game.


same problem here :( hoping there's a fix somewhere!


same here. :( really wanted to play this after the Jacob Geller video

Some players have found that totally disconnecting from the internet before playing prevents this issue. We are currently investigating as to why.


I too was lead here by Jacob Geller! Watched part of his video and had to play it myself.

Simple yet haunting, the monologue at the end reveals so much about who we are and why we're here. Just a doctor clumsily charging about with only a sledgehammer for a tool, fighting a desperate race.

Love the creativity with the UI and storytelling. Fantastic work!


Perfect storytelling. Honestly my jaw DROPPED. With the levels, with the ending, with the visuals. God I'm so glad I played this.


anyone know if the linux version works on mac??

It shouldn't. If it does that would be very odd.


I wish I didn’t play this. You should play it, too.


Me gustó mucho el pixelart de este juego


I will never trust furniture ever again...or the news, I think?

I honestly dunno what was happening here 😅

the embrace of formerly dull and obtuse natural exhibition, now with found disturbing doldroms for discourse

punitive arrangements proceeding tarnished progressions elapse favoring timescale escapism

destruction rises ambiguous emotional content from previous 

💺 ? 💺 x 💺


this was such an awesome game and loved the underlining narrative!! A must play! Here is my playthrough:


This game is so satisfied to play 

satisfying, crunchy, good deconstruction of games.


I found this game highly confusing (in the best possible way) and quite fun to play.  I think I figured out what was going on, but am still unsure.


The paranoia and dread this game conjured up from inside me was pretty fun, I particularly liked the progressive disfiguring growths that appear on our supervisor (or is it possibly the MC?). Very fun.


Perfect Vermin is an experience that I wasn't expecting to find, from demolishing offices to the grim topic of lung cancer, with a very interesting visual representation. Aspects like the timer in the ending really added to the sense of dread and grief. Great game!

Really great game, I was really not expecting the gameplay when I first played the game. You really managed to make each level feel unique and progressively challenging. The narrative was interesting, you really put a lot of detail in making his deteriorating appearance stand out.

man this was so fun. really loved the mechanics and the whole thing had such a good vibe to it. would have loved some more of it, to be honest. amazing work!


ItsTheMaceo, I thought the idea and concept of your game was really cool, I wanted to ask you two questions, the first question is if the game will soon be on Mobile Platforms, I heard that there are few horror games there, so I wanted to know about it, the other question will the game have more languages?


Hello GamingInteractive,

Thanks! Unfortunately development on Perfect Vermin is wrapped and we are unlikely to work further on the game beyond critical fixes. We would love to localize Perfect Vermin to other languages but localization is hard to justify for a free project. Some people have generously reached out about localizing Perfect Vermin for free but we feel uncomfortable about not being able to compensate localizers for their labour.

The good news is Angad and I have begun development on a new project together that will ultimately release for a price tag so it is likely this future project will be localized/ported to other platforms depending on its performance after launch.

Its going to be very different than Perfect Vermin but I suspect people will dig it!

Thanks again,

-Maceo (Game Designer/ Game Artist)


hmmm, I understand. good then thanks for your reply and good luck with your future project 😍


*smashes comment box just to be sure*


Cool game explaining how your body fights the cancer and how it hides itself among the other cells you have. Really enjoyable experience and thank you for making this! 2nd game.



I loved the amount of destruction the smashing did!  Very sad story though.


Can you make this able to be played on browser


Unfortunately the Unreal Engine 4 which Perfect Vermin uses cannot be run in a browser. So a browser version of Perfect Vermin is likely impossible.


Unless you guys somehow find a engine that will do keep the game the same and that is browser supported

(1 edit) (-1)

can you make it so we don't need to download the engine to play. like could you make a version with unity?


Hey great game! The style was really cool and I enjoyed being confused for most of it haha. It was very well written and I think the message in it was well explored. It honestly made me so dizzy, but that's my lack of experience with first person games. Definitely recommend this game to anyone looking for a cool experience. 

If you want to check out my playthrough, it's the third game I played.

Deleted post

Unfortunately, the game seems to crash at regular intervals and I'm not sure what's causing it, but I loved what I played. And when I say regular intervals I mean it. Like exact same time open every time. I don't even have to be playing the game. The same thing happens on the main menu. Weirdest glitch I've ever experienced.


Hey bridgecobbler,

This is an issue we are aware of but unfortunately do not have a clear solution to. We do know the issue is not caused by Perfect Vermin itself but instead an interaction with another program most often the users antivirus. Most users who have suffered from this issue have been able to get around it by making an exception for Perfect Vermin in their antivirus.

Hopefully that helps,

-Maceo (Game Designer/Game Artist)


Amazing game, at first i thought it was just a destruction simulator, but then it got so good. Amazing story and gameplay.


hello! I really enjoyed your game! I thought it was a very interesting, and had some deep meanings! I love the pacing of the game, especially! I will never smoke a cigarette after playing this game lol! I also recorded my walkthrough of the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely outstanding game good job mate (The second game i played)

Unfortunately I cannot enjoy the game as I have a weak laptop and a glitch like the person below. The TV man keeps telling me to get back into the elevator. It's a shame that I can't play.

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