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Really enjoyed smashing office desks and chairs really liked it

Great. This game is a smoking cessation game


This game was so cursed.. BUT AMAZING!


This game was outstanding. So many emotions in one game. I was not expecting it at all! Thank you so much for this! 


I just watched a playthrough of this via Alpha Beta Gamer - it's so cool :)


Hey! It looks amazing from what I've played and seen! I also love the art style of it. However, I'm having an issue where the guy on the TV tells me to return to the elevator whenever I launch the game. This also happened to me on Steam. I'm able to destroy things, but once I ruined the office, I'm just stuck. I have Windows 10 and plenty of space free, so I can't find what's wrong. If anyone could maybe help me figure out what's going on, i'd be grateful. 

Thanks for reading my very long and unimportant issue, have a great day y'all! And tomorrow! Past that good luck.

Hello Dr.Delilah.

The issue you are describing appears on devices that are below Perfect Vermin's minimum system requirements.

If your system is above these requirements and the problem persists please make a post in our community discussions on Steam and we will look into it immediately.



Hey i can't play it myself (because i got a mac) but i've watched it. It was pretty disturbing (gave me some unsettling nights) but it's also pretty cool. And i've got a question.


So we found out that this story is about two things. Namely about the reporter reporting the killer who's running amok and killing his colleagues with the hammer and his cancer treatment. And my question is now ( because i'm not an expert by this topic) could he had survive anyways or just extend his life expectancy (referring to his cancer treatment)? Plus what was his relationship with his mother? 


By the events of the game, there was nothing that could have been done for him. However if he had taken care of his body over the course of his life he likely could have extended his life by decades.

In regards to the newscaster's relationship with his mother there isn't much I could tell you that he doesn't say in the game. Other details about their relationship wouldn't really expand upon the narrative.


I see thank you for the information your game is pretty impressive


Hello. First of all, developer, thank you for making a good game.
Can I ask if it's okay to play this game on my personal broadcast?

Sure thing! As long as you provide a link to the game either here on Itch or on Steam we encourage it. Thanks for checking the game out!

Hi, i downloaded the game on steam and i played for a few minutes and it crashed, i have a windows 10 i5, so it is compatible. i tried uninstalling and installing again and it happened again, then i went here to download it separately and it crashed afet 1 minute, i really want to play this game but i dont know how to

Hello Peacemaker_04,

I'd encourage you to post to Perfect Vermin's Steam discussions page if the issue you are having is with Perfect Vermin on Steam.

People experiencing frequent crashes are often attempting to run Perfect Vermin on a device below Perfect Vermin's minimum system requirements.

So even though you may have a compatible version of windows your computer itself might be falling below these system requirements.

If the issue does not seem to be caused by your system being below Perfect Vermin's requirements please make a post to Perfect Vermin's Steam community discussions describing your issue in greater detail and we will look into the issue immediately.

-Maceo (Game Designer/Artist


Good game loved the havoc i wrecked.

(1 edit) (+1)

Did a 4 minute review of this one recently. Excellent game, give it a try.

This video is fantastic, I wholeheartedly recommend anyone to give it a watch!

android? kinda involuntarily nomadic w my family atm and ancient (but very appreciated) netbook w a twacked network adapter - but excellent tab when i set it up right. you made it for Linux … so can you tweak it for android and make an apk? please? im stressed out and bored at the same time…

can you make it playable by mac?

Hey Reekid44,

Mac development is something we looked into and experimented with during Perfect Vermin's development. Unfortunately Unreal 4.18 which Perfect Vermin uses as an engine is incompatible with Mac devices, and as no member of the team has experience with the Unreal Engine 4's engine code, Mac support ultimately proved impossible.

For future projects Mac support is something that we will be looking into at an earlier point in development to hopefully avoid issues like this in the future.

-Maceo (Game Designer/Artist)



What a well-made game! This one's story really hit hard, and the physics and gameplay were so satisfying, but it almost made me feel bad to enjoy a game with such a sad story! It's the second game I played in this 3 scary game compilation:

Amazing job Devs, looking forward to your future projects!
(2 edits)

ok ok... when i play the game if i look around or move a bit the camera the news guy appears, and says to go back to the elevator to do it again, and then i cant do nothing, just move around i cant break the door or something is just that... very sad because this looks like a good game :(

Issues like this are often caused by being below Perfect Vermin's minimum system requirements. 

If your system is below these requirements it will be unable to properly run the Unreal Engine 4 and by extension Perfect Vermin causing the game to encounter issues constantly.

If this does not seem to be the source of the issue please let us know and we will look into it immediately.


I can tell you by the way the level is loading in your computer is below minimum the minimum system requirements for the Unreal Engine 4. 

Nothing we can do I'm afraid.

can you add an options to disable effects or small objects

Hey Jason,

I responded to your other post with information relevant to the issues you are describing.

-Maceo (Game Designer/Artist)


this game crashes after a few seconds for me and idk why

Crashes like this are often caused by being below Perfect Vermin's minimum system requirements. 

If your system is below these requirements it will be unable to properly run the Unreal Engine 4 and by extension Perfect Vermin causing the game to encounter issues constantly.




A great example of doing a lot with a little. Perfect setup and delivery, great use of video game tropes against us at the start, totally stuck the landing. Good job!


Hello! This was quite the fun play! Here is my gamplay video

This game is on steam too.


This was such an interesting concept and such a way to talk about illness! Great game! Here's my gameplay!


HELLO, gotta say it was pretty fun smashing & breaking stuff in the office; though it didn't last long sadly it was still fun non-the-less to mess around. 


This game's pretty cool, man. I always enjoy playing something weird. Thanks for the fun!


what exactly is the story here? I feel like I might be a bit dense because I'm not exactly grasping it


I believe it's about cancer. Treatment is about finding those "impostor" cells that start showing up where they shouldn't be and destroying them. Although not desirable, the process usually ends up harming regular cells, too. And naturally, it's all on a timer.


No Commentary :)


This game feels so satisfying to play! The way everything breaks and sounds! This is such a wonderful and bizarre experience!

Deleted post

We really enjoyed playing & discussing Perfect Vermin on Indie Game Club (it’s like a book club for indie games)! 

You can watch the video here:

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Keep up with Indie Game Club from POTIONS & PIXELS here: 

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Is it possible to add graphics options? I understand that due to the quirks of the Unreal Engine, the game breaks utterly and unavoidably at low frame rates (which I have.)

If the graphics (e.g. render resolution, post-processing) can be turned down to increase the frame rate, this should abate the issue, yeah?


I was disappointed, and feel slightly mislead. The game seemed to have an interesting premise, looking for things that are out of place, and enjoyably smashing them with a hammer. This was fun for the first two levels, or so, and I wish that the entire game could have continued like this. Unfortunately, this game-play is only a surface cover, for a short and linear plot based game, reusing the same few rooms, and devolving into abstract horror nonsense. Imagine playing the first two levels of a Mario game, and having a blast, before finding yourself unexpectedly in some creepy pasta rom hack, wishing that you could have continued on a real adventure...


It's not "abstract horror nonsense" or a "Creepy pasta rom hack", you'd know that if you bothered to actually pay attention to any of it. It's actually a really well-done allegory for a horrible situation.

(1 edit) (-10)

Sure, and I'll grant you that much. It's a great allegory, and would work wonderfully as a short film. However, this is a game, and unlike film, a good story with crisp presentation is not enough. The key element in what makes a good game is... Well, gameplay, as the name would imply. It's too short, lacks player creative input, you can't really 'win' other than to complete the sequence. A game shouldn't support the story, but rather the story should set engaging context to support the gameplay.

Perfect Vermin could have had A+ context if you were literally smashing disguised monsters with a hammer. That's already interesting and creative. Then, like squirting ketchup on a steak, it cuts the fun short, to execute it's allegory, which wasn't needed in the first place.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well Think Of It Like This Though
The Things We Are Destroying We Call "Vermin"
Are Just Cancer Cells That Spreaded To Much
Its Short Because Well Cancer Can Kill Fast So I Get Its Short But Cancer Can Make The Life Short Too So It Make A Bit More Sense Too But This "Game" Was Not To Fully For "Fun" But Bringing A Story With A Bit Of Interaction

Its Short Because The Guys Life Was Short Also it Was Made In Memorial Of Someone 
So If You Want My Thoughts Its A Good Game Even If Its Short

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

"This "Game" Was Not To Fully For "Fun" But Bringing A Story With A Bit Of Interaction"

Yes, well said. As a piece of art and media it's just fine. It's a game within a story, rather than a story within a game. It's just frustrating that such a concept didn't go further to become more 'fleshed' out. The gameplay concept is TOO GOOD, to be confined to being a mere vehicle for a story narrative.


It Makes Sense Why It Is And We Can Have Hope That A New Game Can Satisfy That Need For The Gameplay Concept But We Shall Renember The Original Game That Started It In Memory Of This Man And All Who Passed From The "Perfect Vermin"



Honestly this game has about everything that I could have asked for: fun gameplay, awesome twist, with a very thought-provoking and well-written ending that changes everything. Really top notch stuff!


This game was incredible and very clever. The ambiance was creepy and magnificent. This was very well put together but it was incredibly well thought and clever. I would rate it 5/5


The idea. The music. The atmosphere. 
I am so glad that I was following itsthemaceo since "Swallow The Sea", cannot wait to see your next project!  


Its is really support like this that is the reason we do this in the first place. Keep your eyes peeled there is more strangeness on the horizon.


e um jogo muito bom eu sei que so americano conhece isso e so um pouquinho do brasil sabe desse jogo mas isso e uma bela reprecentacao do cancer


We are glad you guys are enjoying the game over in Brazil! The entire Dev team is actually Canadian so at least some people outside of America know about it haha.


Super weird, unconventional horror game. Very cool. My brain started breaking when I had to play two games at the same time lmao, thanks for making this oddity.


i love this game but the field of view screws me up, any way to change it?




I don't know what did I played but it was awesome

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